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The Congressional Office for International Leadership in Boulder

David Heath

May 20-28, 2022

BDSC hosted Olimjon Alimurzaev, Tahmina Sharifbadalova, Nosir Dilobob and Sitora Ismutulloevna Kasimova (US Embassy facilitator) who were members of a COIL delegation from the Tajik tourism industry. The focus of the study tour was on Infrastructure and Marketing. The group had homestays with local Boulder families who offered their hospitality to the group. Many thanks to: Rett and Tania Ertl, Joe and Caroline Stepanek, Jeff and Julie Hale, Dennis and Libby Berry and Joe Day.

The group had a very busy week visiting and meeting with representatives of various businesses: Tourism and Management Consultant Doug Schofield, Boulder Convention and Visitor Bureau, Three Leaf Farm, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, The Access Fund, Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, Rocky Mountain Conservancy, Rocky Mountain National Park, Alianza MesoAmerica de Ecotourism, Outdoor Recreation Program at CU Boulder, Boulder Mountain Lodge, Eldora Mountain Restort, Colorado Chautauqua, Historic Boulder, American Alpine Club, and architects David Barrett and Dominique Gettliffe. The days began with a short overview at the Chautuaqua Dinning hall, coffee and pastries were courtesy of Three Leaf Concepts.

We look forward to seeing the delegates again on future BDSC sponsored trips to Tajikistan. As

always those of us who spent time with the delegates developed a warm friendship with our

guests and learned a lot about Tajikistan. Definitely a beautiful and friendly place to visit.

Picture Descriptions:

Top Left: Welcome reception at the Boulder-Dushanbe Teahouse for a Congressional office for International Leadership delegation from Tajikistan

(Left to Right) Katy Yates, City Council member Bob Yates, Brian Muller from CU, Erika Blum from Congressman Joe Neguse’s office, Rett Ertl- BDSC board president

Bottom Left: Daily Morning Meeting at the Chautauqua Dining Hall with Delegates

(Left to Right) Interpreter Elmurad Kasym, Delegates Nosir Dilyobov, Tahmina Sharafbadalova, Rett Ertl

Top Middle: Old friends from Dushanbe relaxing in Boulder

(Left to Right) D.S., Delegate Olimjon Alimurzaev, Group Facilitator Sitora Kasimova

Bottom Middle: Tahmina Sharafbadalova presenting her work in Tajikistan at a reception in the home of Joe and Caroline Stepanek

Top Right: COIL Delegates at a good-bye party at the Ertls' home

(Left to Right) Nosir Dilyobov, Olimjon Alimurzaev, Tahmina Sharafbadalova

Bottom Right: Olimjon Alimurzaev departing from DIA for Dushanbe



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